Friday, July 10, 2009

If I catch it coming back this way, I'm gonna serve it to you: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #15

Our dancers, bedecked in red military style uniforms, leap and slither onto the stage ferociously to the White Stripes. The dance is fantastic and very hard hitting, but the unfortunate costumes make them look like a bunch of enraged marching band kids who went AWOL from the Macy’s parade. The choreography is beyond. My conjecture is that this is the work of Wade; hubby guesses it’s NappyTabs, and he’s correct.

Cat looks like she got the “premium bronze” spray at the Mystic Tan, and is wearing loads of blue eyeshadow, and still manages to look stunning. She informs us that it’s Nigel’s 60th birthday—Bonne Anniversaire, Nigel! He says he went to the shop to get a bit of a facelift, but Mary got there first and took all the Botox. Hee—I’m happy we’re all so open about it! I do wish she’d cut back on the habit though—she’s naturally pretty! Tyce FINALLY shows us a little bit of that Tasty Oreo attitude that we’ve come to love—he was TyceLite last night, and me no likey.

Our first two couples to learn their fate are Jason and Caitlyn, and Brandon and Jeannette. Brandon and Jeanette are safe. I know this isn’t a fashion show, but the costumes here…seriously, y’all. Caitlyn is wearing a bra and panty set that I almost purchased during the Victoria’s Secret semi-annual sale, and a see through petticoat. It’s a strange combination.

Next up are Philip and Jeanine, and Randi and Evan. Jeanine has this whole Princess Leia/ Foxy Cleopatra gold lame thing going on. With little ado, we learn that Philip and Jeanine are in the bottom three. While discussing how they choose who will go home, Nigel discloses way too much information, and pretty much takes all of the tension out of the show. Everyone wonders who will make the top ten, because they get to go on tour. Turns out, they bring the rest of the dancers along as swing dancers, which—while that makes sense, it totally takes the fun out of the whole “top ten” thing. He also tells us that the judges discover who the bottom three couples are the morning of the results show, and determine who will go home before the show starts. So why do we have to go through this “dance for your life” sham?!?

The last two couples are Karla and Kupono, and Melissa and Ade. Melissa and Ade are in the bottom three for the first time, and although she’s a little annoying, I’m excited to see Melissa’s solo. No chance she’s going home. Tyce says he wasn’t shocked, because Ade dropped the ball in terms of energy. Melissa’s costume reveals that she has crazy ripped abs.

While the dancers get ready, they show footage of the auditions for season 6. They focus on Teddy, whom Tyce hails as “fantastic, awesome, brilliant!!!” Teddy is wearing a bow tie and argyle pants and kind of waddles around the stage. Hubby wonders “is this a joke?” To wear argyle is to win my heart, though, so I love Teddy already. Additional footage shows some guy spinning on his head. I hope he makes it!!

Solo time! Caitlyn performs first, and busts out a cutesy routine. It’s fine. Jason sticks with the shirtless leaping about that the judges seem to love from the guys. Jeanine dances a contemporary piece and shows off her amazing technique. Philip does his popping thing. Melissa dances to some farting tuba song. Seriously, I thought my dog was tooting before I realized it was part of her music. She moves beautifully, but the fart noise is really distracting. Ade brings the house down with his routine; specifically with a back flip so high he almost gets caught in the rafters. Cat tells him he gave her the “Deeley chills”; every guy watching the show turns green with envy.

Cat introduces DJ David Guetta and Kelly Rowland, who will sing their new song. She’s singing live, which I appreciate.

Kick off time! Nigel tells us they have approached this from a “positive standpoint”, thinking only of the girls they want to continue on this show, and Caitlyn will be going home tonight. Um, that’s not really positive for Caitlyn, though, right? It’s not. She cries, and wow, she looks just like Leann Rimes!

Nigel tells the men that they are all brilliant dancers. He tells Philip that he’s been fantastic on the show, but they’ve been disappointed with his performance in genres with which he's unfamiliar. He’ll be going home tonight, but there’s a twist: Both Philip and Caitlyn will be on the tour! So this whole “top ten” thing is kind of irrelevant this season. Interesting. Takes a bit of the sting out of it, no? I love how the producers just kind of make up the rules as they go along. Philip is still crying, though, and he delivers a very classy and eloquent speech. He hopes he inspired people that don’t have money or access to a dance studio, but do have passion, to go for it. The judges give him a standing ovation. Awww. Now I’m all misty eyed!!! My hubby feels quite strongly that they are getting rid of Philip now, while they can, because they don’t trust America not to vote him through to win. However, with this new twist, they can still bring him on the tour. This point has merit.

I think the biggest shock of the night was not Philip’s exodus from the show, but the fact that DJ Guetta was a white guy. There are good, white DJ’s?! Who knew?

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