Thursday, July 9, 2009

I want some stuff like that there: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #14

The last night before we have our final top ten! Cat, dolled up Old Hollywood style, tells us that we’ll see each couple dance twice tonight. Yay less filler! The women’s hair of truth this week tells us that Caitlyn will be doing some sort of ballroom; her hair is in a low chignon. Melissa is sporting the type of perm popular in 1987, so I’m thinking she has to have Mandy Moore choreography tonight. Kupono is wearing a ton of guyliner; that can’t bode well.  Our guest judge is Tasty Oreo; I feel like we’ll get a very constructive critique or a lot of snark, so it’s a win-win. 


Melissa and Ade have a Doriana Sanchez disco. Whee! They perform, and the dance has tons of energy. I have to say, Ade does a remarkable job tonight. Melissa is great as well; she always is, but Ade seems to be having a blast. They do this crazy upside down split thing that seems superhuman.  Melissa falls at the end of the performance, but really, it doesn’t matter. Also, they do this super fast butt wiggle that I shall endeavor to learn. Nigel loves the energy and finds it tremendous. Mary said if they prayed to the disco gods, then she needs an amen.  Tyce thought it was “friggin’ great”.  Mary screams some more, just for hoots.  


Kupono and Kayla will perform a Mia routine about addiction.  Mia says that at some point, we all probably contend with wanting something that is bad for us. True that, Mia! Kupono talks about how he doesn’t want to portray an addiction, having had family and friends battle addition. He cries, and it’s a little heartbreaking. They dance, and my goodness—this is the reason why Mia is so famous. It is absolutely stunning, and Kayla and Kupono do an amazing job. Mia is crying afterward.  I thought this was one of the most powerful dances I’ve ever seen on this show. Nigel thought it was brilliant. Mary applauds Kupono’s ability to stay in character no matter what.  She says Kayla is flawless every week. Oh and Grandpa and Grandma are crying! !! Tyce notes that with Mia, you don’t feel like you watched a dance, you feel like you had an experience. Cat says she thinks it will be one to remember from this season. I agree!


Caitlyn and Jason are doing a foxtrot from Tony Meredith.  Caitlyn basically says that she’s excited to do any dance that doesn’t suck and require her to wear the world’s worst costume.  They perform, and it’s okay.  I liked it, but it didn’t stand out for me. Jason looks quite debonair, though! Nigel likes it, and thought Caitlyn was smooth, cool and elegant. Mary thought it was tremendous and that it suited them. Tyce thought they both looked like stars, and that they “captured the essence”.


Jeanine and Philip are doing a Russian folk dance. Speaking of Russians, it’s actually a goal of mine to befriend more people from that part of the world. At a party last year, I heard a Russian tell her three-year-old daughter “Oh, that bunny is your friend? Your friend has turned his back on you! Because you were too loud!”  in much the same manner that I’d imagine KGB agents of old would speak. It was fabulous.  Anyway, Philip and Jeanine perform a Kalinka.   It’s pretty basic, but has a few fun elements.  The judges critique, and Nigel says it reminded him little kids dancing. He thought it wasn’t about the dancing, it was about the folk style they were asked to do. Well, that’s your fault, producer!  You invited these choreographers on your show; you had to know the style of dance they would create. The complaint that it was too simple is a little insulting—what, are they supposed to change the nature of the traditional dance of their country just to suit you? Not very gracious, Nigel! Mary basically agrees with Nigel. Tyce says he disagrees, he thinks they executed the dance very well, and that it was entertaining.  Thank goodness someone was classy about it!


Randi and Evan have drawn a NappyTabs dance. They portray a young couple who find out they are about to have a baby. Rehearsal looks good. I really like the dance, but I don’t get the pregnancy plot line AT ALL .Not even a little bit. It looked more like an engagement story? I don’t get that they are nervous; they just look happy. Nigel likes that they weren’t asked to be urban, and could just be themselves. Mary said she was expecting a train wreck, because she didn’t think they had it in the to perform hip-hop.  Tyce commends the story telling. He thinks Evan needs to find “more”, but he loves Randi. Every week, we hear that the judges are expecting something more from Evan, but they love him.  Why does he keep getting a free pass? I think he’s lucky they’ve avoided the bottom three!


Brandon and Jeanette have an authentic tango by the couple that performed earlier in the year, Miriam Larici, and Leonardo something.  They perform, and it’s absolutely wonderful. I can’t believe this is the same couple that did the rocker vs. hip-hop routine; it’s like they’ve transformed.  I love Brandon and Jeanette as a couple—they are so versatile. Nigel actually gives them a standing ovation, and then all of the judges join him.  Nigel says it was a close to perfection as he’s ever seen on this stage for ballroom.  Mary says Brandon was right there in the moment every step of the way, and that Jeanette was flawless. Tyce loves the specifics and the attention to detail, and calls them a power couple.  He compares their dance to making freshly squeeze orange juice, and goes on and on about how you make it. I don’t know that I get how that relates to dance, but I would give my eyeteeth right now for some orange juice. Mary screams some more and starts making choo choo noises; I take it they are on the hot tamale train? . Even Nigel is screaming. My dog has no tolerance for this hooting and hollering, and makes a run for it.


Oooh we learn that next week, the couples will switch partners. It happens, but it’s sad!



Melissa and Ade are back for their second dance, a Ron Mondez waltz. Ron seems very happy with the dancers.  They dance to Mary J Blige “Natural Woman”, and it’s lovely. That’s always what I think when they dance. Nigel says her classical training gave her beautiful lines, and Ade’s strength made for some beautiful lifts. Mary wanted to see more strength and ease from Ade while he was dancing. She calls Melissa mesmerizing. Cat calls Tyce a “Brooklyn Brownie”, and I think my hubby is jealous.  My “Virginia Vegetable” doesn’t have the same ring, though.


Kayla and Kupono have a Joey Dowling Broadway piece about love at first sight. Kupono says that he will miss Kayla’s clammy, sweaty hands and feet; Kayla deadpans “that’s what he will miss me? Wow that is awesome. “.  Hee. They dance to “Dance at the gym” from west side story.  I don’t know that I got the whole crazy in love thing, but I thought it was great. Nigel felt like they were missing the true emotion of the dance.  Mary says she can see where Nigel is coming from; that they didn’t latch onto the style, but it was danced well. Tyce, also a Broadway choreographer, says that they didn’t get down to the truth of West Side Story. I don’t remember Joey saying they were specifically portraying Tony and Maria, but whatever.


Caitlyn and Jason have Mandy Moore routine, and they are all happy to be back in their comfort zones.  I think they perform well, but I don’t think anyone is arguing that they are good dancers. But it was kind of eh for me.  What is not eh are Caitlyn’s bangs; what the hell is going on with them? It looks like a crazy wig. She also looks like she’s taken up a hard smoking habit; her eyes are all tired and small.  Nigel said it was good, Mary said it was really good, but it lacked magic for her.  Ooooh, Jason doesn’t have a shirt on, and he totally has hickey!!!! I miss what Tyce says because I’m too busy trying to determine if that’s a hickey or a scar.


Jeanine and Philip are doing a Tony Meredith jive as their last piece. This jive actually is really, really fun. Philip is a sailor on furlough and Jeanine is…a prostitute? I don’t know, but I like it! Nigel loves the choreography, and also thought Philip was the best he’s been outside of his style. He tells Jeanine if she’s not in the top 10 he’ll be surprised. Mary says she can guarantee she’ll be there next week. So…pressure’s off Jeanine? Mary said she thought this was going to be a huge disaster for Philip and that he was going to be off the show. She tells Jeanine she was on fire. She’s on the hot tamale train! Tyce says what Philip lacks in technique he makes up for in performance, and that Jeanine is a star. They are doing an awful lot of “you’re totally in the top ten” to the contestants tonight. Hope they are sincere!


Randi and Evan. have a sexy samba from Pasha and Anya. Randi and Evan are cute, for sure, but sexy? I don’t know so much.  They perform, and I def. don’t get sexy, but I think they dance well. Mary thought it wasn’t dynamic, and they didn’t really commit themselves. Tyce tries to make sexy faces, but he sounds like my cat—in-law when he’s furious with me for existing.  Oh but Tyce interrupted Mary, who was about to put Randi on the Hot tamale train. Big mistake, Tyce! The longer she waits, the more she’ll scream!


Our last dance of the night is a Wade Robson piece with Brandon and Jeanette. Brandon seems thrilled to be working with Wade. Who wouldn’t?  He was Britney’s choreographer!  The premise of the dance is that they are two thieves, one crazy, and one more cautious. It’s very fun and they dance perfectly. Oh, I will miss them as a couple!!  Nigel says that he’s so impressed that Jeanette the salsa dancer has picked up every style so well. Mary hollers that they saved the best for last.  Tyce tells them that they have that “thing”.  Can I get an Amen!

My prediction? Tough call, but I think it’s Caitlyn and Jason’s last night on the show. Thoughts? 

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