Thursday, October 15, 2009
You've got to be amazing every time, and if you're not, you gotta GO: SYTYCD 6_8
The judges aren’t messing around this time. The remaining contestants will learn a jazz routine by Laurieann Gibson, who bursts onto our screen screaming “ five, six…. and EEEAAAAIIIIGHT!!!” She is not wearing her signature giant headphones tonight, and this accessory oversight has apparently made her grumpy, because she spends the next hour hollering at the contestants. You know that little saying “there is no such thing as a stupid question?” Laurieann wholeheartedly disagrees. When one contestant dares to ask her what their opening position should be—something I would think the dancers would need to know—she replies with “I know you can’t believe you got here, but there are people waiting in the wings! ACT LIKE THAT! The AUDACITY of you to ask me such a RIDICULOUS question!!! NOW DANCE!” Y’all, that is so going to be my standard response whenever anyone asks me a question for the next six months, through and including the NOW DANCE part. I’m sure that will go over well at work. During one rant, ballroom superstar Iveta notes, “It’s like I’m back in Russia!”
More screaming and scared dancers, and now it’s audition time. The husband and wife team of Karen and Matthew are split up for this round. Karen is safe, but Matthew totally botches his audition. Nigel says he wanted more fire from him as a Latin dancer, and he’s out. I don’t think lack of fire was his problem, I think it was not performing the dance AT ALL. Anyway, jazz is not going well. At one point, Nigel stops an entire group and yells at all of them, telling them to do it again, and do it better. Iveta and the same sex ballroom dancer William get cut this round. Is anyone I know even left?Oh, I suppose so. Our last group contains early favorites Molly Gray (High School Musical) Billy Bell (brilliant dancer, broken nose), and krumper Russell who is a god. During their audition, Adam notes to Debbie, who appears to be bored and picking at her fingernails, that Molly and Billy look like children (they so do!), but they are so good. Nigel notes to Molly that she has to start dancing like a woman, and not like a little girl—that’s why they have 18 year olds on the show; not 16. What the heck does that mean? Is she supposed to start working a pole? He asks Russell what other training he’s had. Russell says he just takes whatever comes at him; he just dances. Nigel clarifies “so you’ve had no formal training whatsoever”, and Russell says no. Adam interjects that doesn’t seem possible, and I totally agree with that. I call BS. Russell seems a little shaken by this inquisition, but Nigel tells him “You’re doing SO well; keep up the good work”, and Adam concurs. All of the dancers in this round are safe.
But oh, dramarama! Molly has injured her foot. She tries to shake it off, and tells Cat that she doesn’t want the judges to know. But the pain grows worse, and we cut to commercial as she’s being toted off to the hospital.
Later that night, Cat tells the dancers that they are being broken up into groups, and they have all night to choreograph a dance. Oh man. I HATE this part of the audition. It’s rarely good; it’s all drama…ugh. Fortunately, we are spared most of that! We’re only subjected to a very small amount of drama before we go straight to seeing what the dancers produced. What the heck. Are they going to follow up on the Molly thing?
Anyway. First up are Russell and four contemporary dancers. They’ve randomly selected a Broadway routine. Footage of the previous night shows that they were done choreographing and rehearsing in about an hour. Nice! Tyce ooohs and aaahs the entire time that they perform, so you know they are probably safe. And they are! Montage of groups; at one point, Debbie calls something “dreadful, and uncomfortable to watch” and yes, it was as harsh then as it sounds now.
The last group of the to perform contains Molly, and we finally learn what happened the night before. Molly was carted off to the hospital, and her group left to fend for themselves. After deliberating about how to proceed, the group decides to choreograph without Molly, and plan a chair based dance for her should she return. Really, since they had no idea if she was coming back, and they knew she was injured, this seems smart. Mollie comes back two hours into rehearsal with a report that she has a really bad sprain. They try to accommodate her ankle in the dance, and of course she hates that, and worries that the judges will hate it. Maybe? They perform, and it seems to be a dance about…a girl who has a sprained ankle? Given the situation, I think it’s fine. Mia disagrees with me, and declares, “As a whole package, I just thought it was stupid; I thought it was dumb.” Nigel says he felt like they hid behind their characters. But they are all through anyway.
Now we’re back with the dreaded Mia round. We see footage of her yelling at the dancers last year, shouting such gems as "You know me, I’m a cutter, and I will cut you” while scary music plays in the background. But instead of hollering, Mia starts out by telling everyone not to be scared, and next thing we know we’re going all Namaste. I give this fifteen minutes, tops, before the yellin starts. Oh but I’m wrong! There’s a lot of hugging going on. What the heck?!
They perform the Mia routine. First up is Kevin from Boston, who made it to the last day of Vegas last season before getting cut. The judges coo over him during the audition; afterward, Tyce calls him brilliant. Russell, Billy Bell, and Molly all do well. Last up is Legacy the hip-hop dancer, who barely made it through last week. He gets all emotional during the rehearsal. And now he’s crying after performing, saying that this dance changed something inside of him, and that his movement meant something to him. OOoh, way to go Legacy! Mia has got to LOVE that! And she does; he survives this round. Wow, this guy turns on the waterworks. I’m one big ball of hormones and I don’t even cry this much! But apparently the tears are contagious, because EVERYONE is crying after this round—crying on the phone to their momma, crying all over each other…what the heck is going on? I gots to take me a Mia Michaels master class so I can experience this for myself.
We’re back for the final round of choreography, which will be a Tyce Broadway piece. We meet Pauline again, who also made it through to the final day in Vegas last year. She’s performing with someone who I’m going to bet right now is Joey Dowling’s sister; there is no way she’s not. But Pauline falls during the final leap, and her ankle is crazy swollen.
As she rests, we see the other girls perform. Oh Ellenore! She’s soooo good. Ashley, of another husband and wife pair, makes it through with the judges telling her that she’s grown the most out of all the dancers.
Pauline is back from the hospital with news of a sprain. She's rocking the crutches, and has been told not to dance on it for two days. Unlike Molly, she appears to be interested in heeding the advice of the doctors.
Boys round. Ryan of Ryan and Ashley is through too, and not just because he has crazy washboard abs. They judges love love love all of the contestants…until they get to Dominic. Dominic gets cut, and proceeds to break down like nobody has broken down before. We are talking collapse to the floor in heaving sobs type of hysterics. Nigel looks appalled, and yells at him for breaking down like that.
We close the night with the final solos. Billy Bell is first, and good lord, he’s amazing. Adam starts sobbing during his solo, and Tyce repeatedly whoos. So even though they aren’t getting critiqued, um…you kind of know. Montage, it’s amazing, judges are crying and throwing things, they are so happy. This season is just going to own last one. I can’t wait! Now I have to ponder my top 20 predictions.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Your Cha-Cha Stinks! So You Think You Can Dance 6_7
Each contestant performs a solo to remind the judges that A. They are great dancers and deserve to be here or B. Mary was still drunk during the New Orleans auditions, and she let anyone who could walk in a straight line through. First up is that Nathan guy from the season five auditions —he was too young to participate that season, but Nigel gave him a ticket to Vegas for season six. Cat tries to build the “can he still cut it” suspense, but about four counts into the music he puts that question to rest by busting out some octuple pirouette. The rest of the dance is a bit odd—he spends about eight counts just twirling his finger in a circle. But the judges seem to get it, and he’s safe.
BTW I didn’t recap the auditions (I have a decent excuse!), but one of my favorite moments was Mary’s list of things not to do, which included that God awful “Reach to nowhere” move. THANK YOU! They should have bouncers in the wings to throw out any contestant who dares incorporate The Reach. I would be happy to volunteer my services.
Ellenore (whose name my spell check keeps trying to correct to Eeyore) does a cute and funny routine that manages to show off her personality and excellent classic training. Debbie Allen proclaims her love multiple times, Tyce wants her in the top 20, and the judges give her a standing ovation. She is so through to the top 20. Calling it now.
Montage. Great turns, girls writhing, Nigel looking letch, someone spinning on his head. More montaging that starts out with Debbie swearing, but morphs into pretty much the best stuff I’ve ever seen. The New Orleans bounce guy is back looking better than ever, inspiring all of the judges to bounce along with him, and prompting me to bounce along at home. It’s really contagious, y’all!
Folks get cut; including two of our hard luck story kids: Allison, who is hearing impaired, and that Thomas guy from GA who lived in some drug riddled town or something. I don’t recognize most of the people who got cut this round, except for Caitlyn Kenny’s sister.
The remaining 111 people have an hour to learn a NappyTabs piece. New Orleans bounce looks crazy relieved to hear that hip hop is first. Teddy with the crazy pants during the auditions makes it through. Next up is Ryan (Evan’s brother), and GAH! We’re subjected to his whole story AGAIN!!!!! Holy crap. I really hope he gets cut just so I don’t have to hear this story rehashed every single week. His group performs, and…wow. Looks like this might be my lucky day, because boy is he botching this! He’s a half a count off, and…I’m not sure he’s even doing the same dance as the rest of the dancers. Wow. This is bad! Nigel calls him out for stinkin’ up the joint with his terrible dancing, and says they are giving him one more chance, but he better step it up quickly.
Day two! Louis van Amstel has put together a super fast cha-cha routine. The krumper (sp?) from Boston has the good fortune to get paired with a ballroom superstar, and looks fantastic during his audition. I like the versatile ones! Some guy gets a crazy bloody nose—seriously, I almost fainted from the sight of it (this is why I’m not a doctor, and why I don’t watch horror movies). In general, ballroom looks like it’s going really well, other than the busted beak.
Some people I don’t really remember are asked to dance for their life. The busted nose kid performs and goes through; even without having a chance to really rehearse. Good for him! Ryan is in the last group of the day. Since this is now apparently the Ryan show, we see about eighteen minutes of his rehearsal and performance. I don’t know much about the cha-cha, but I know terrible when I see it…and this is terrible. You know how the Paso Doble is supposed to be all aggressive and mean and macho? That’s exactly how he’s dancing, and it looks really out of place. Maybe he got confused about the style? Anyway, the judges look all kinds of upset. Nigel gives a pretty long explanation that he wasn’t great yesterday, and that he wasn’t great today, and he’s going home. He calls Evan on speaker phone to let him know that he got cut, and waxes poetic about how some things aren’t meant to be, etc, and you can’t take things for granted. I think he’s pretty surprised—I get the feeling that he thought he was a shoo in for this season’s top 20.
Dances for life! First up is John from New Orleans. Nigel complains that “the lights were on, but nobody was home”, and that he needs more personality. Debbie says something like “I just can’t see keeping you when there are so many other better dancers here”, but something about the way she says it makes it sound a lot less harsh than it was. One of my old dance teachers (hi Shirley!) had an absolute gift for this; she would give you feedback, and it wasn’t until you were repeating it to your friends that you realized she basically told you that you were the suckiest suck who ever sucked. Legacy the b-boy is freaking out before his dance for his life. He’s crying all over the place. Man up, Legacy! He does a respectable job of his solo. Nigel says that his cha-cha stinks (that’s what she said!), and he needs to bring his game up. Mia calls him an asshole, because what he does is amazing, but he sucks so much? Okay Mia. He gets all yeses and is through to the next round.
More cuts post ballroom: Teddy gets cut, as does New Orleans, and basically anyone I recognized from the auditions. Bummer!
Next week: more Vegas, more crying, more people leaving in ambulances. (Should that be ambuli? What an awkward plural!) Other than Ellenore, and that High School Musical girl, I really have no favorites thus far. Thoughts?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Season Six is Heee-re! HELLO-oooo!
This season starts off just the way I like it—with a crazy. First up is Cole. As Nigel says “Cue Music”, Cole begins move—I wouldn’t really call it dance—before the music starts. A confused Nigel again calls “Cue…” until he realizes this is THAT kind of a performance. Cole runs around the stage reaching and searching and shouting word. The judges try to cover their smirks and shake with contained laughter. I’ve got to be honest; you put this dance to The Fray’s “You Found Me” and you have a version of most of the solos performed last season. Nigel commends him for trying something different, and says it was very “off off Broadway”; Adam snarks “Yeah, like Cleveland off”. It’s a no for Cole
Up next is Mollee. Mollee was a dancer in High School Musicals 1, 2 and 3. We get our first hard luck story of the season; this one about how her mom has made all these sacrifices for her, etc. Sigh. Maybe I needed more time in between seasons to get over my annoyance about the “So you think you can have a tragic life and still dance” tone the auditions always take. Mollee is really good, and she’s adorable. During her audition, Adam comments “she is SO this show”. BTW, I wish I could listen to Adam commentate on every aspect of life. That’s kind of why I followed him on Twitter; unfortunately, all he tweets about is how much he loves Miley Cyrus. Anyway, I will bet here and now that Mollee makes the top 20.
We briefly see David and Amanda (I totally remember her from last season!) and Brandon (not that Brandon) perform, receive accolades, and get put through to Vegas.
And back for more this year is Ryan, Evan’s brother. Whatevs, we already know his story and we know he gets to Vegas. I will say right now I don’t think he’ll make the top 20.
Bianca/Fantasia told us that she wouldn’t be back this season. She lied!
Now Ryan does the same thing the first crazy did; he doesn’t dance to music, but speaks in rhyme. He’s a tap dancer, though, so I suppose this makes sense? Now I’m bored; we already saw this audition last season. Adam gives him a standing ovation, says it was the most special and unique performance, and calls it the best audition he’s ever seen on the show. Um, it was good and all, but I don’t know about that.
Biancasia is prodded by the judges to have a tap battle or trade or whatever the kids call it these days. She and Ryan go at it, and it’s great. So…if they put her through to Vegas, they have to let her in the top 20. It’s just getting cruel at this point. She’s been in the top 32 about eight thousand times now.
Oooh, here comes a crazy. Christopher Aguilar tells us he wants to produce a film caused Drum Song? Dancing poorly but enthusiastically to a medley of songs from Chicago, he does manage to inspire the judges to display their best jazz hands. He tells the judges that he wants to make the main characters in Chicago men and see how that changes it. Uh…kind of completely, no? Adam is not a fan of this idea, and I have no idea how a movie about making Roxie and Thelma men has anything to do with a “Drum Song”…I think I must be missing something. And someone needs to tell Christopher Aguilar that crack is whack.
More people make it through to Vegas. Hmm. I wonder if Natalie will be back this year?
We’re back with Amber, sharing the story about how her mom got paralyzed. My husband notes “At least this story has a point. I hate those ones where they are like “My mom got in an accident, and she got a scratch…she’s okay now, but …she was bleeding pretty good for a day.” Her momma tells us watching Amber dance gives her joy. Honey, before you take one step, I will pronounce: Vegas for Amber! The judges give her great feedback; Amber’s momma cries. And while Beyonce’s “Halo” swells in the background, the judges tell her she’s through to Vegas. Good lord, they are laying it on THICK tonight.
Montage of contemporary female dancers, all of whom seem way better than Jeanine. I liked her just fine, but I’m still in shock that she won.
Christina brings her dance coach to perform a salsa routine with her. He’s not auditioning. She’s good, but she’s no Janette. However, the judges adore her. Nigel asks Pepe (the dance coach) why he’s not auditioning; he replies that he doesn’t have the training Christina does, and Nigel tells him that he’s “bloody good”. Take a hint, Pepe, and get yourself on this show! Christina makes it through to Vegas. She clearly got the memo that you HAVE to have a hard luck story, so she makes sure we know her ticket to Vegas is for her “Daddy up in heaven”.
Clips of the bad dancers. To be honest, they aren’t THAT bad. The one kind of overweight guy pulled off a double pirouette.
Philip, another tapper, is here. Apparently he and Ryan were roommates while on tour for “Fosse”. Wow. These people are not joking around. They’re already professionals! Cat digs for dirt on Ryan; asking if he has stinky feet, etc., and now we all know that Ryan has a smiley face on his buttocks. Things I didn’t need to know.
We see none of the choreography round. With six weeks of audition shows, that’s okay. And Mia is our guest judge next week! Let the claws be unsheathed!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
She's the One: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #23
Our top 20 open the show with a reprisal of Tyce’s “Brand New Day” routine. I’ve already forgotten who half of these people are! I was in The Wiz in 9th grade, and to this day, I feel compelled to grapevine and wave my arms to and fro when I hear this song. This is great and all, but I still think our version of The Wiz would kick this version’s butt stage left, right, and center. You heard me. Go Bulldogs!
Cat greets us, and informs us that there were 21.6 million votes. Tonight’s winner will win $250K, and the cover of dance magazine. No contract for a role in the next Step It Up movie, then? Bummer.
Tonight we have Lil’ C, a 50’s glam Mia, Tyce snapping it up, lovely and perfect Debbie Allen, debonair Adam, Mary rocking pigtails and a gaudy as hell necklace, and of course Nigel.
Our flashback of the auditions starts out with…Sex. Lord, let it end with him. Once again we see the whole naughty ballerina thing, Vitolio grabbing his crotch as he runs out with his ticket to Vegas, and Mary crying over Brandon’s solo. They also show the judges fight over Brandon, Ryan vs. Evan, and Natalie not getting through. I wonder if she’ll try out again. Oh I forgot about Miss Washington. She actually made the show, didn’t she?! Flashes of the dances this season, and when we see a crying Mia say “I wish I had the strength that you had for my Daddy” I lose my you know what and start bawling. Again! God.
Super long review of last night’s show. If there were an Emmy award for the show most capable of filling time with pointless footage, SYTYCD would surely be in the running. That whole Brandon Kayla dance was so good, but so strange. Is Brandon about to get an autopsy? Was Kayla supposed to be some sort of dominatrix mortician? Let me tell you, this is EXACTLY the type of funeral home I want to go to when the good Lord calls me home. They pretty much show the whole show again, so if you missed last night’s show, really—you’re no longer behind.
The judges introduce their favorite routines of the season. Oooh I want to guess! I think we’ll see the Cancer dance, the Addiction dance, the comic book cartoonish Wade routine with Brandon and Janette, B&J’s disco, and Kayla and Max’s samba. The first one up is the NappyTabs routine that Philip and Jeanine performed the first week. Wow, I don’t remember this AT ALL. OH now I remember this. Kind of. It’s sort of snore? Eh…I was less than impressed with the quality of the routines this season, so whatevs. You know, the top four had to perform five new routines last night, I hope they had a few weeks to rehearse these, and didn’t have to cram it all in this week. Anyway, the dance is good! I kind of think they pick these to highlight the people going on tour; maybe this was the only decent routine Philip had?
Oh YAY our next routine is the tango that Brandon and Janette did! I LOVED this! I swear, Janette’s legs are like a pair of Wusthof knives. It’s still amazing. I miss Janette, and now I’m all bitter again that she didn’t make the final four.
The charming and lovely Debbie Allen tells us her favorite dance of the season was the Louis van Amstel waltz with Asuka and Vitolio. Huh. Well, if Debbie says it’s her favorite dance, it must be the best! Oh, and this WAS great! It still has that floatingish quality that it did before. Holy crap though; Vitolio practically throws Oscar right off the damn stage at the end. Yikes!
Mary says one of her favorite numbers was Jeanine and Jason’s necklace dance. Much talk about the kiss. It’s still great and they kiss like they mean it; it garners a standing ovation from the judges and a thrilled Travis Wall.
Mia’s favorite routine of the season—besides her own, I’m sure-- is Max’s and Kayla’s samba from the very first show. FINALLY someone picks one of my favorites. Mia’s eyeshadow matches Kayla’s dress! I have to say, tonight, this dance lacks the spark that it had during the first show—it just seems like they’re going through the motions.
The top four dancers meet up with Kerrington to view the remake of Fame, which comes out this fall. Debbie Allen tells us that the time is right now, and she’s happy to bring the brand back to life. Well, tonight is just turning into a trip down my musical theater participation’s memory lane! But my main memory from Fame is being run over by a piece of scenery. Oh and that crazy dance I had to do with Sean Dugan, who went on to appear in Oz on HBO. Anywho… I swear, if Debbie Allen started a religion, I would chuck the Catholic Church and join that congregation in about a nanosecond. Ha, when discussing the movie, Debbie totally forgets the director’s name. I’m sure he appreciated that. She gives us that iconic “If you want fame, it costs. And you start paying here, in sweat” speech that she delivered in the original Fame. Preach the gospel, Debbie! Oh and she gets to bring another dance back, so she picks Calle Ocho. I didn’t know we could bring group routines back! Once again, it’s steamy and fun.
Nigel tells us that he got invited down to Australia to choose their top 20 dancers. Their winner is with us tonight to perform a solo choreographed by Sonya. She dances to a song that I think we heard on the Kill Bill soundtrack—that “bang bang I shot him down song”. It’s actually really hard to see the dancer, because of the distracting moving graphics in the background.
Lil’ C tells us if he has to pick a favorite routine, it will be Jai Ho all day. I have to say that after this show aired, I downloaded this song, because I loved the dance as well. Except I accidently got the Pussycat Dolls version, and it might have been the best mistake I ever made, because it is fan freaking tastic. I think I may “accidently” purchase the entire PCD catalogue now. This reminds me, I have to sign up for those Bollywood dance classes. Oh, there is more kissing in this routine. Wow, that Jason is a little man whore!
The top four FINALLY come out. Jesus, it’s been an hour!!! Judging by Evan’s costume, we’re going to see the butt dance soon. We’re going to learn who is in fourth place, and you can tell Evan is just ready for it. And the 4th is…Kayla. Huh. I read a review by someone who was in the audience of the performance show, and apparently Kayla’s family was really upset by Nigel’s “you have no personality” comments. Kayla tells us she’ll remember working with Mia, and she will miss everyone. Well, you’re not going to miss them too much, because this is the finale, and they are going on tour, so…there’s that. No need to mourn and cry in your pillow.
With a saucy “I’m a butt man!” confession, Adam chooses the butt dance. HEH. Oh, is Randi wearing Louboutins? Anyway this dance is just odd, like it was back then. I’m glad Evan got to perform his favorite dance, though.
Mary introduces the Paso Doble from last night. Huff. We JUST saw this one!
Evan comes back out, and we learn that the dancer in third place is…Evan. He looks totally prepared for this. The judges all look really relieved. Cat’s wrap dress looks SO comfortable. Evan tells us that everyone chanting his name last night was amazing. He thanks his friends and family, and says—genuinely, I believe—that he never thought he would make it this far. Well, that makes a lot of us, I think. Sonya appears to be in the aisle for some reason. Was she kowtowing or something? Evan fights back tears.
Nigel tells us one of his favorite moments was the night Mary admitted to using Botox; prompting Mary to shriek “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! THIS night was going perfect; it was classy, it was everything I ever dreamed!!!” Mary, you KNOW it had to come up at some point. On a serious note, he picks the addiction dance. Oh, good, this was incredible. I love that moment where Kayla reaches up, and Kupono forces her back down. Kupono looks absolutely diabolical. Where was that strength during his other dances!!! Mia is in tears it okay to cry over your own dance?
Back by popular demand is the Rage Boys crew. Still cute.
Tyce introduces the Doriana’s routine for Brandon and Janette. LOVED THIS! Great then, great now. I think that life where Brandon holds Janette in the splits over his head was one of the great moments on this show.
Our last dance of the night is the cancer dance, of course. Mia introduces it, saying that it broke her down in front of millions of people, and it also broke millions of people down. Tyce tells us that the friend for whom he choreographed this dance called him today, and told him she is cancer free. Oh, I love happy endings! I swear not four counts of music pass before my tears start a-wellin up. Oh Lance Bass is in the audience. What on earth has he been up to?
Before the break, we see that dance to “One” from a chorus line that does NOT have kicks. Oh but then the judges come out!! FUN! What I love the most are the looks of pure joy and happiness on the judges faces. They really look like there is no place on earth they would rather be. The screaming and standing ovation go on and on. I clap along at home.
And now, we’ll finally learn who the winner is!! We see their journey. Nigel says he thought these two would be standing there, and he already knows the winner, and he thinks it’s deserved. That is just BS; I think he should have to wait, like the rest of us! And our favorite dancer is…Jeanine! I’m okay with his; I wanted Brandon, but she’s great. She cutely says she never thought she would be giving an acceptance speech on the Kodak, but thanks the Academy.
And I thank YOU, dear readers, for SUCH a fun season. I cannot tell you how much I’ve loved hearing from everyone. See you all September 9th!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hey! Who's that, thinkin' nasty thoughts? So You Think You Can Dance Episode #22
Cat delights in 3000 people saying “jidges”in unison, and tells us Adam is back oh YAY!!!Love love love him! Adam says he thought some of tonight’s top four would be here back when they were in Vegas, and some he didn’t see coming at all. Mary says that dancers feed off energy, challenges the audience to bring that energy, and hollers until they are loud enough for her. Also, she looks BEAUTIFUL tonight.
The top four will dance together first, and will be performing a Wade AND AMANDA Robson dance. VERY interesting that it’s not just Wade anymore. Are they going to be like NappyTabs, or will she drag him down? The dance is about two jocks that start hitting on cheerleaders, and the cheerleaders turn out to be more than they can handle. Well OF COURSE they are. Jeanine says she doesn’t think many people were expecting to see cheerleading on SYTYCD, but it’s the finale, so think big. I’m assuming she means that people didn’t think they would be SO LUCKY. They perform, and …hmm. I wonder who is responsible for the” sniff the armpit” choreography? I don’t think that will win an Emmy. OOOH but I want the sequin bloomers the girls are rocking!! Y’all know I love me some cheering, but I did NOT think this was good. I can’t believe the same guy who choreographed Ramalama did this. Really?
Our first couple is Jeanine and Evan, performing a Sonya routine about a clingy guy and a girl who is just over him. Girl Power! Oh on a side note—I heard that Victoria Beckham might replace Paula on American Idol. How fantastic would that be?!?! We see footage of Jeanine and Sonya beating Evan up, kind of for reals. I’m finding the big stage and the graphics a little distracting from the dance. Adam gives them a half hearted “that was great, guys.” He admits that he never saw Jeanine coming, and she’s been great every week, and now he feels bad that he underestimated her. I’m glad I’m not the only one! He tells Evan that he NEVER saw him in the top four, but this season will never be the same without him. That doesn’t even make any sense. Mary says she thinks they delivered, but Jeanine stood out a little bit more, but Evan “held his own.” They say that EVERY week about Evan, and he’s somehow managed to hold his own to the finale. Nigel encourages Evan to step up and be responsible for his own destiny. He acknowledges that Evan is loved by the public—despite the judges practically begging the audience not to vote for him-- and says he has to step up and be worthy of that. He praises Jeanine’s growth. It’s kind of lukewarm praise, and I thought the dance was very eh. They seem more focused on pointing out that Jeanine is brilliant, and Evan isn’t worthy.
Tonight we see Cat’s interviews with the contestants before we watch their solos. Brandon conveys how much Mia’s approval means to him. He confesses that he didn’t think he would make the show. Okay, I call BS on that. Also, he misses Janette the most. You and me both, Brandon! He performs, and HOLY CRAP is his solo good!!! Adam declares that he is competing, wonders about the choice of board shorts (seriously!!! They were like jailbird board shorts; all black and white striped and whatever), said it was a tad frantic. Mary says he was amazing, he defies gravity, he was born to dance, and that it’s still a privilege and honor to watch him dance. She starts crying again, the same way she did all those many months ago when he first auditioned. Aww. Nigel says that he’s amazing, and that he just wiped out the opposition. Okay, we get that you want him to win, y’all. But you still have three more contestants to go!
Brandon and Kayla have a Tyce routine. I love it when he gets all Brooklyn; why didn’t he do more of that when he was a guest judge? The dance shows them off to their best advantage; it highlights Kayla’s extension, Brandon’s strength, their flawless technique, including pirouettes a la seconde perfectly in unison. Kayla’s grandparents are beaming afterward. BTW where has her mom been during all of this? Cat asks Adam what he thinks, and he who has been perfectly calm all night FINALLY does his thing and leaps out of his chair with excitement. He confesses that these two are the two he always saw in the finale. He calls it an honor to have Kayla on the show, and calls Brandon an animal. Mary hollers a bunch of other superlatives. Nigel praises their amazing ability and compliments Tyce’s great routine.
Jeanine’s solo is next. Jeanine admits when she was younger, she wasn’t a very good dancer, and her parents had to push her to keep going. She also says that Russian folk dancing was a low point, and confesses to having a panic attack when she realized that she was going to have to go onstage dressed like that. Her favorite dance thus far was Travis Wall’s piece. Oh! Cat mentions the “full smooch-o-rama-rooney” and Jeanine enthusiastically points out that was NOT choreographed! Well well well! Her solo is incredible. She dances to a tango, and has a flower in her mouth the whole time, which is a bit distracting. But she does this pirouette with about a bazillion rotations, and lands beautifully—it’s really stunning. Travis and this year’s contestants seemed thrilled for her. Adam is amazed by her turns, which—aren’t we all? He praises the risk she took, said she just killed it, and genuinely tells her he is so happy for her. But he does say “what the hell was that stupid plastic flower”, which, yeah. Mary says she saw her coming (whatevs), she gets better every week, she’s peaking at the right time, and that solo is the best thing that she’s done on the show. Nigel says it was a brave solo, and she pulled it out, and she’s in the final two as far as Nigel is concerned. Good for Jeanine!
Evan and Brandon have a Laurieann piece. Laurieann is wearing the same humongous pink headphones around her neck that she was sporting the last time she choreographed. I think I need an accessory like that. And she has some assistant wearing a shocking pink shirt who looks REALLY into whatever she’s doing—which appears to be just holding a cord, but I’m sure it’s much more than that? They dance to Janet Jackson’s “Nasty” in leather jackets, and appear to be fighting. I like how every season the routine for the top two guys is a fight. Evan doesn’t do as badly as I thought he would. The judges disagree with me; Adam says “Evan, you got dusted”. I know the judges don’t want him to win; but comments like that will only encourage his very large fan base…do they not realize that? Anywho, Evan takes the criticism gracefully. When Adam says Evan’s sweetness hindered him, he gets booed, and kind of panics, saying “Oh no! I’ve never been booed! Can you guys go back to liking me again?!” Mary giggles and asks Evan “What’s the nastiest thing you’ve ever done?” Goodness! Evan blushes, his family dies laughing, and Cat admonishes “Meeehreh, his GRAMS are in the audience! “ Oh and so are his brothers; Ryan is wearing a tux and looking sharp! Cat cajoles “the grams” into put their fingers in their ears, and then conspiratorially asks Evan again what the nastiest thing he’s ever done is. Brandon pipes up “I’m excited!!” as Evan considers his answer. Ahahaha… I bet you are, Brandon. Evan just says that’s a toughie; the list is so long. Nicely deflected, Evan! Mary admits Brandon was just a little bit better in this routine. Nigel says that if you speak to the choreographers, they will all say that Evan’s work ethic is beyond reproach; but there isn’t a nasty bone in his body. He also says that he has a choochie face--I have no idea what that means—and that he just can’t do “Nasty”. I feel his pain; I was practicing my stank face the other day, and apparently I can’t pull it off either. Anyway, Nigel goes on about how Brandon outdanced Evan. Okay y’all, we get it. Brandon=good. Evan=bad.
The girls are up next with a Mia routine. They are on a journey, and the dance involves shedding layers of their skirts as a sign of their progression. It’s interesting, but at the end Jeanine seems to have difficulty unsnapping her last skirt; it’s a big moment and she’s obviously late. Quite honestly, I felt like Kayla did a much better job; I barely noticed Jeanine in this piece. Adam said bringing a concept piece like that to the finale was risky, and that he loved it. Mary notes that they are the strongest two women they’ve ever had in the finale, and that it was very well matched. Nigel loves it, says something about how he wishes it went on longer, and everyone giggles, assuming he means he wanted them to keep shedding clothes. I give him a pass; I think this is the one time he didn’t mean it like THAT.
Evan talks about how hard it was when he and his brother realized that only one of them would be on the show; Ryan is his best friend, and the memory of the audition still chokes Evan up. Evan’s fave routine of the season was the butt routine. Interesting! I thought he would say Tyce’s “Get me to the church on time” routine. I guess Evan is a butt man? His solo is cute—same old same old. Adam says it’s interesting, because it was a variation on his audition piece, which will either make people crazy, or make them be like “I’ve seen this before”. Cat asks Mary if it did it for her, and she half heartedly goes “You know… I think it did, Cat. “Nigel says he was good, but he hasn’t grown as much as he had hoped on this show, and he doesn’t think it was a strong as Jeanine and Brandon’s solo. Cat asks the audience if they liked it and they go insane. She reminds everyone that no matter what the judges say, it all depends on our votes. You know the judges could just kill her for firing up his fan base like that.
Kayla and Evan have a Tony and Melanie jive routine. This should be good for Evan, since he’s had this style before. Oh, and Kayla has to do this in cowboy boots. I have to say Evan seems a lot tighter than he was the last time. Also, he is wearing those man heels again. That is NO good. Adam says that while he loves Tony and Melanie’s work, he doesn’t think that was a finale level routine. This prompts more booing, to which he replies “Two in one night! Score.” Hee. At least he’s honest; I thought the dance was very eh myself. He liked Evan in this, but didn’t think it was competitive. Mary said she thought the routine was phenomenal. She said she didn’t think Evan’s kicks were strong, and thought they were like two dancers just doing their own thing. She says Kayla just stole the show—I guess Kayla wasn’t part of those two dancers just doing their own thing? Nigel says he thought they both came out with guns blazing. The whole auditorium starts chanting EVAN! EVAN! prompting Evan to tear up. I don’t blame him; the judges have basically been like “YOU SUCK” all night long; he’s probably so happy to get good feedback. I totally didn’t think he should be in the top four, and even I’m feeling sorry for him! He asks where Kayla’s personality has been this whole season; and says that if it had been there this season like it is tonight, she would be riding clear to the final. I’m sure that made her feel good.
Kayla tells us that she wanted to dance since she was two. They talk about her emotional grandpa and how proud her grandparents of her; she seems a little embarrassed by it. She likes her white lightning nickname, and her favorite piece was Mia’s addiction piece. I hope they do that one again tomorrow, I LOVED it! She performs her solo, and I think it’s okay. It didn’t grab me. Adam said he thought the solo was fine, but he wants to talk about the season. He says that this show has shown him some of the best dancers he’s ever seen, including Travis, Will from last season, Danny, and our Kayla. Mary says that Kayla is gifted and she’s been touched by an angel. Nigel says what’s been difficult for her is that when they praise constantly, oftentimes the audience will assume someone is safe, or decide that they want to decide who the best is on their own, and won’t call for that person. He’s happy that she’s made it to the finale.
Our last performance is Jeanine and Brandon, doing a Louis van Amstel Paso Doble. Interesting they are ending the night with a Paso Doble; this one must be really good. Jeanine falls during rehearsal; shocker. Louis raves about them as a pair. They perform to a song from the Matrix soundtrack, and whew! This is a good Paso Doble! Very passionate and strong from both dancers. They get a standing ovation from everyone, including the judges. Adam says they shredded it. Mary screams, praises the choreography and the dancing, and then really lets her hollers rip. I suppose the shrieking needed a finale of its own? Nigel screams back at her, and says Brandon and Jeanine have edged the other two out for him.
We have a few more minutes to kill, so Cat puts the judges on the spot, and asks who they think will win the competition. Adam says that Evan sucks, but whatever, America seems to love him; Kayla is brilliant, and the other two are wonderful, and he can’t pick one. Cat asks Mary to be “more of a man” than Adam, and Mary says she can’t pick either. Nigel reiterates that he thinks it will be Brandon or Jeanine, but assures the audience that no matter what, we’re having a Kasprzak on Season 6—does that mean that Ryan made the top 20? I guess we’ll know in a month!
I think Jeanine will be our winner tonight. Thoughts?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Let's have some fun; this beat is sick: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #20
Every week, there seems to be at least one outfit similar to either a bridesmaids dress or formal dress I’ve worn in my lifetime. I don’t know if I should be delighted or dismayed by these trips down my closet’s memory lane. Tonight Melissa sports a blue sequins top very similar to my senior prom dress that was also worn to at least six other fraternity or sorority formals—probably by some of you, dear readers!-- throughout my college career. We’re so green!
Lil’ C is back as our guest judge. Oh lord. Where the heck is Adam??? Why can’t we have Debbie Allen on repeat?!? It’s been a tough week; do I have the energy to translate his craziness? I shall try. When asked to “pontificate on the preference of the population” (Cat, don’t encourage it!) he responds with “I think the decisions have been appropriated(sic, I believe) by what the public prefers”. Sigh…I guess that’s close enough to correct English. Mary and Cat agree that Janette’s departure last week was a shock. Mary begs the audience not just to evaluate the dancers that week, but also to consider all of their performances, and vote accordingly. I think what she’s trying to say is “Look, Melissa should have been voted out last week, and just because she had the super sad cancer dance doesn’t mean you should have voted for her.” Nigel once again encourages the dancers to become “stars”, as nobody has yet to “pop” this season as they have in years past. I guess I would agree with that. BTW, Kerrington from last season is going to be in the remake of Fame coming out in the fall. Cannot wait!
The guy’s group dance is first, and they will be performing what looks like an amazing Sonya routine, if rehearsal is any indication. Sonya has quickly become one of my favorite choreographers. They nail it, and it’s fantastic, but I feel like Brandon and Ade are on such a different level from Evan in terms of being huge, powerful dancers. It’s sad that the best thought I have about Evan is “well, he held his own”. Lil C’ tells Ade that he’s still “proving it: for him, compliments Brandon for growing with each challenge, and tells Evan “good job not getting swallowed by the dominant excellence of Ade and Brandon, because of the style you represent.” Wow, that is such a backhanded compliment, but I have to agree with him. Mary declares that she “just loved it” and comments on the fact that the three of them can kick so high and do standing back flips at the same time is amazing. Nigel said that Evan actually stood out to him because he did so much that he’s never attempted before. Sonya seems delighted with the great feedback the dancers receive. Sonya and Mia are so similar in being thoroughly themselves as artists, but what I like about Sonya is she seems really supportive of her dancers, and makes it all about them, and with Mia, it’s all about her.
Jeanine and Ade are doing a Louis Samba. Oooh…didn’t he do the one with Max and Kayla the first week? That was one of my favorite dances of the season, and I still covet Kayla’s hot pink costume. Apparently this won’t be a “typical” samba…rehearsal shows lots of crotch in face, so oh my goodness. Also, how can anyone dance in three inch stilettos? I can barely walk down the hall without tumbling down when I sport that look. They perform, and it starts really sexy, but then just gets…messy. There’s one part where Ade is behind her, and it looks like he’s trying to wrestle her to the ground in slow motion. That can’t be right. . Mary judges first and says it looked “really novice”. I thought so too, and I know jack about samba-ing. Lil’ C said he expected an “explosion of excellence” and it fell short for him. Nigel said Jeanine did a wonderful job, but Ade needs to adjust his style to suit the dance.
Kayla performs a solo “You found me” by The Fray. I swear she’s like the twentieth contestant to use that song for her solo. Lots of legs and reaching and searching.
Melissa TELLS us she’s excited about being paired with Evan, but her face says “crap, I really don’t want to be stuck with Evan.” They have a Tyce Broadway piece, and Tyce comments that Evan is a dream for this style of dance. They’re performing to “Get me to the church on time”, in what I’m guessing is supposed to be wedding day underwear? Is Melissa supposed to be a stripper bride? I have to say, I’m a little disappointed. I thought Evan would be bigger, somehow. It’s cute, and it’s good, but it’s not incredible. Lil’ C chimes in and basically says the same thing—it was an “A” performance, but not an “A+”. Mary shrieks that this could be “get me to the finale on time!!!” How excited do you think she was to use that line, and how long do you think it took her to think of it? I swear, Evan and Melissa could have dropped to the ground and done the worm instead of performing the choreography, and she STILL would have hollered that line. Nigel tells us a lot of ballet dancers have tried out for season six, but none seem as adaptable as Melissa. He thinks the challenge of this dance was in the personality, and that they both did well.
Ade dances to “18th Floor Balcony”, which seems like a mandatory rite of passage for any contemporary dancer these days. He doesn’t include gymnastics, though. I don’t know if that’s wise…if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?
Kayla and Brandon are up next. Brandon says he hopes to get on the hot tamale train with Kayla. Isn’t he on the hot tamale train? They are dancing a Stacy Tookey piece about a mistress too weak to leave her lover. It’s an incredible piece that they both dance beautifully…I think this might be one of my favorite dances this season, and no, not just because Brandon is shirtless. Lil’ C says it was beyond intense, and beyond amazing. Mary notes that Brandon is so on the hot tamale train, and he’s still on it, and he’s riding first class. She tells Kayla she was perfection. Nigel praises Stacy, and notes that he wishes they had more time to cement their chemistry, but that their technique was brilliant.
Melissa shimmies around the stage. I wish she would let her pointe work be the star. So far it’s more like a contemporary dance that just happens to be en pointe.
Jeanine and Ade tell us what it would mean to them to make the top four. Shocker it would mean everything to them, etc. Can you believe that Ade is still sporting that pick in his hair during every interview? They have a NappyTabs routine about…being evicted from their apartment? Perhaps my favorite moment of the night is the clip of Tabitha, rocking a preppy argyle vest, saying “Daay-um! I just got kicked out! Of my apartment! ReCESSion!!!” (slams boxes in mock anger). For the next week, when I find things irritating, I fully intend to incorporate this language into my rants. “DAAAAY-UM! MY iPod battery is dead! ReCESSion!” Lots of footage of Jeanine falling frequently and hard during rehearsal. She goes on about how she doesn’t want to fall down on TV and COME ON nobody ever does, okay? You’ll get it. They perform. They walk around in a menacing fashion, only to come home to an eviction notice, which prompts them to play hop scotch and skid around the floor in the boxes? Honestly, that’s probably not the reaction a landlord is hoping for. Anywho, it’s very entertaining. Lil’ C says that they performed it even better than he thought they could, and punctuates his critique with “it was buck, it was buck, it was buck…” Somehow during Mary’s comments we learn that Nigel’s wife’s divorce attorney is really mean, and that Lil’ C has been evicted before. Beyond that, she loved the dance, and feels like neither one will be evicted tonight after that performance. Nigel agrees that it was a great dance, applauds Ade for taking a note and “getting down”, and praises Jeanine for stretching herself as a dancer.
Brandon gets all half nekkid and dances to “O Fortuna”. Honestly, I think this is the same solo he did to get on the show. That’s fine, because it was incredible, and even more so now. He is just the most amazing dancer…lord, I hope he goes to Alvin Ailey, where he belongs! Cat deadpans “very average; nothing special” as the judges give him a standing ovation, and the audience leaps to their feet screaming. Breaking with the tradition of not giving feedback after the solos, Nigel says that he’s just given us one of the best solos that we’ve ever seen on the show, which—yes yes y’all. And no, not just because he’s barely wearing any clothes!
Melissa and Evan are back with the kiss of death quickstep. Melissa notes that she doesn’t trust Evan as a partner, and she “certainly hopes that in three days, he’s strong enough not to drop me”. Yikes, and whatever, Melissa. People drop each other all the time on this show during rehearsal! Jeanine was just tumbling right out of Ade’s arms a few dances ago. I just noticed that Evan has no shoulders. He really doesn’t! It’s very odd. Look next time! I think they dance it well…it’s cute. Lil’ C notes that Evan danced bigger than he ever danced, but that his retractions were lazy. He notes that Melissa looks fabulous, and did a fabulous job. Mary praises Louis’ amazing routines tonight, but says she was disappointed with the dancing. Nigel mocks Melissa’s earlier lament about being the oldest dancer on the show; telling Melissa that she is to this show was Cloris Leachman was to “Dancing with the Stars.” For a second she looks truly horrified, until she realizes he’s kidding. He says that it wasn’t one of the best of the night, and says they have voters questioning who they will vote for tonight. Ouch. Truthfully, though, I think it’s time for both of them to go.
Jeanine does a saucy solo, which shows off great control during pirouettes, and lots of strength, while also entertaining.
Evan’s solo…lots of shrugging of non-existent shoulders; beautiful series of turns that end in a huge leap.
Kayla and Brandon are back with a Doriana Sanchez disco. Oooh, I loved the one Brandon did with Janette; I hope this one is as good! Rehearsal shows Brandon busting out some butt smacking move that I think I’m going to love. The cameras are extra zoomy during the performance, which annoys the bejeesus out of me, because this routine is fantastic, and I want to be able to see it! The lifts are just amazing, including one where Kayla is upside down, in the splits, over Brandon’s head. I must practice this move with my hubby. Lil’ C says “being out of your comfort zone represents unfameeererity, and it also represents darkness.” WTF? If there is one thing this piece was not, it was dark. He keeps going on about befriending parts of the challenge and seeing the music with your ears…I don’t know… I guess he liked it? And he’s STILL going on, yakking about how there is a pocket of music, and you have to get in between those instruments, and what the hell is he talking about. Somebody please bring cut him off! Mary hollers that they hit a home run. She tells us she agrees with something Lil’ C said…how that is even possible, I don’t know. Then she stands up and yells at Brandon, who earlier confessed to self esteem problems, saying that he’s great, and she carries on to the point that both Nigel and Lil’ C have to restrain her. Mary proclaims “I’M NOT CRAZY!!!” to which Cat calmly replies “You do have a little crazy in you, Mary, but we love it”. Nigel says “it’s easy to get everyone riled up with screaming and energetic routines, so let me be professional”, and proceeds to leap out of his chair, carrying on like a lunatic. I don’t know…I kind of think the judges want Brandon and Kayla in the finale, no? Cat begs Nigel to “take the tablets!!!’ Hee.
Our last routine of the night is the girl’s group routine, also choreographed by Sonya. She’s chosen a superhero theme, which I think really suits her style of dance. I like the rehearsal footage, which funs it up with retro Batman type graphics. This might be one of my favorite routines of the season, and also, def. my inspiration for a Halloween costume this year. I must have the monogrammed supergirl belt! Lil’ C says it was amazing, but he wants more than amazing. Mary tells him that’s crap, and that they were great. Nigel makes a thinly veiled reference to Jeanette’s voluptuous chest. Lord, Nigel.
I think Evan and Melissa have to be the ones going home tonight. It’s their turn, for sure.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Peripatetic, Poetic and chic: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #19
We’re celebrating our 100th episode tonight. Mia says she loves the babies coming back to the nest and getting nominated for Emmys and such. Mary says this show means the world to her, and has changed her life, getting all weepy in the process. Nigel says TV at its best can reach out and unite a nation, and he feels like that happens on this show. Well—I do love our SYTYCD conversations, y’all, but I don’t know if Nigel’s the Great Uniter or anything. Easy with the pats on your own back!
We see highlights from the past five seasons. Why don’t we have people who can spin on their head this season!?!?! It’s just not the same.
Recap of last night. Breast cancer dance makes me cry again!
The four girls learn their fate. Melissa—is safe! She’s shocked, and so thrilled. I’m pretty shocked too. Kayla and Janette are in the bottom two this week. NOOOO not Janette!! Kayla I can see—she’s great, but it’s not like we see her “growing as an artist” or whatever.
Our first of three dances from previous seasons is up; it’s the flower and the hummingbird dance. I actually never saw this the first time around. Wade choreographed it, and it’s very interesting. No wonder it won an Emmy!
The guys are next. Ade is safe, and Jason is in the bottom two. Brandon and Evan are left, and Evan…is safe?? That’s…odd. I actually started typing “and Evan is in our bottom two” because I just assumed. Maybe his fan base was angered by the unfair criticism of his eyelids?
Our second routine of the night is “the bench” routine that garnered an Emmy for Mia. It’s still amazing.
The bottom four perform their solos. Really nothing new to say on this. Although last night, I thought that Kayla almost fell over a few times, and it turns out, that was part of the choreography. Which might explain why she’s in the bottom tonight?
Our last dance is Ramalama, another Emmy winning dance from Wade. And he’s dancing in it! They are dressed like Elizabethan era zombies and it is fanfreakingtastic. Their entrance on the stairs prompts my hubby and me to make plans for a stair dance off over the weekend. He is so going down in big huge flames.
And now we’re back with Katie Holmes, finally! Seriously, we’ve been hearing about this for how long now? Katie looks crazy skinny. I haven’t seen her in anything since Dawson’s Creek, so it’s hard for me to see her looking all Joey Potter and think that she’s married to Tom Cruise and is a momma to adorable Suri. She’s going to be dancing AND singing. Did you know Katie Holmes could sing? I had zero idea. Given that they’ve beaten us over the head with the fact that THE Katie Holmes is going to perform on the show tonight pretty much all season, I’m expecting a production along the lines of the Central Park scene from Enchanted. It opens with some 1920’s car pulling up, and Katie gets out and lip syncs beautifully. I do have to say, she sings well. Then we switch to some cloud set—are we supposed to think this is live?—and she’s dancing in a Chicagoesque costume with a bunch of guys. I don’t know anything about Katie’s dance training, but all she’s doing is flicking her leg around, doing a glorified grapevine, and pulling her hat over her eyes. The highlight of this routine is a lift consisting of no less than four men hoisting Katie up in some Jesus on the cross formation. It’s not thrilling. So back when I took choreography, we had entire shows revolving around choreography for everyone—the professors wanted to make sure that we could make ANYONE look like they could dance. Did Tyce skip that class? Is he spoiled by working with only trained dancers? Because I kind of think I read about Katie taking dance classes in my US Weekly, and it certainly didn’t show in this dance.
We learn which girl is going home, and it’s Janette. NOooooo!!!! She’s my favorite!!Cat, who seems truly fond of her, gives her like eighteen kisses. The judges give her a standing ovation. Nigel says that she was his favorite too, and he wanted her to win. Well maybe you should have SPOKEN UP and we wouldn’t be in this situation! Oh…do you think the judges go home and vote?
Our bottom two guys are next. Jason is going home. I suppose it’s time. His farewell video reveals that he was one sock guy during auditions. Oh! I totally remember him now!
Remind me to vote next week—I can’t believe Janette is gone!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
How Could You Be So Heartless: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #18 (and kind of #17)
I’ve been asked where my recap from last week’s result show is. To be honest, it would be about four sentences long, because all we did was watch the previous night’s performances all over again. Oh, but the group performance was fantastic. Perhaps it is best said in rhyming verse:
Mazel Tov: SYTYCD Episode #17
Nigel’s off getting a degree
Not a real one; it’s honorary.
It’s just the ladies here tonight
So of course, we have a catfight.
The Paso Doble—love or hate?
Debbie feels the need to castigate
Mary for proclaiming she loves it so
When whomever performs it gets kicked off the show.
The group dance was a Wade Robson thing.
The Black Eyed Peas were here to sing.
Voters did not think the Paso Doble was dandy,
So we said goodbye to Kupono and Randi.
Voila. Yeah, I went there with the dandy/Randi rhyme.
Mia is back to judge, sporting a multicolored version of the Kate Gosselin reverse mullet. Ellen DeGeneres is also on the panel tonight. I think she’s hilarious, so I’m excited to hear what she has to say. I also hope Mia goes all Mia on the dancers, if warranted, because I kind of feel like they’ve been too easy on them recently. When asked about any formal dance training she’s received, Ellen tells us everything she’s learned, she’s learned from the streets… in a gated community, with no kids, with a guy named Eduardo, but not really. Mary uses the phrase “off the chain”; an act I’m pretty sure is illegal for anyone over the age of 22 and four months. Cat sweetly asks Mia about her two Emmy nominations, only to be quickly and curtly corrected that it’s been THREE. Then Mia goes on and on about being an artist; I don’t know, I got bored.
Travis is back as a choreographer (yay!) for a group dance. We’re told the dance is simple, but fast. They are wearing lights and funky Lady Gagaesque costumes. I like it, but I think I’ve come to expect so much more from all group pieces—I don’t know. I was underwhelmed. Nigel liked it. Ellen claims she can do that, and takes credit the wearing of lights idea. Mary liked it. Mia declares Travis “has it going on”. She also threatens to wear the costumes on the results show, and oh my God, I wish she would.
Evan is paired with Janette, whose name I’ve been misspelling this whole time. Oops! My husband wonders aloud if Evan can handle “this spicy meatball”. Hee! They will be performing Sonya routine while dressed in dominatrix looking gear. Janette did really well, like I expected, but so did Evan, which I didn’t expect. Nigel liked it. Ellen jokes that she could do that. Mary thought it could have been a little “rougher” at the end, but goes on and on about how much she loved it, until Nigel tries to physically shut her up. Mia says she thinks Evan’s gotten by because he’s adorable, and he’s great stylistically, and he’ll never be the dark dancer that Sonya requires. She tells Janette she’s her favorite, favorite, favorite dancer this season. Janette literally collapses with gratitude.
Kayla decides to chuck showing off her amazing extension for a bunch of waving her arms around the place. Hubby notes “Ellen actually could do that”.
Jeanine and Brandon have been paired, and they seem overjoyed. They are doing a very “still” waltz. They open with a huge lift held for a long time, and that’s about it for the excitement. It’s pretty, I suppose, but honestly it seems a little clumsy and a lot snore. I took this opportunity to check my facebook. Nigel said it was so demanding, but the music almost put him to sleep, and he didn’t get as much as he wanted. Ellen says she disagrees, and makes us laugh. Mary says it’s the slowest waltz they’ve done on the show, and it’s tough, but they “did it respectable” (sic). Mia said that she expected it to be magical, because of the training they’ve had, but there were so many hiccups and stuck moments that she wasn’t taken away.
Jason’s solo. It’s good, but not remarkable.
Ade and Melissa are reunited. They have a Tony and Melanie chachacha. It’s okay, but again, I’m a little underwhelmed. It wasn’t as spicy as I wanted it to be. Nigel says great routine and it was sexy. Mary thought it was okay, but not great from a technical standpoint. Mia says it was Ade’s worst performance of the season. And to Melissa, she says she did an excellent job ridding herself of the ballet hips in order to wiggle them or something. Eh.
Janette gets brave and does a contemporary routine, with a few of her salsa moves thrown in. She does really well!
Jason and Kayla have a Tyce piece. He’s a man caught up in the music, and she’s a temptress trying to woo him. It’s very jazzy and I liked it. Nigel says it was classic, declared that Jason’s feet were perfect, and tells him that he reminded him of Gene Kelly. He says Kayla can do anything, and thinks it’s one of the best routines he’s seen this evening. Mary says everything was fabulous and that they “did it effortless” (again, sic). Oh, then she takes out a brand new train whistle and puts them on the train. Mia proclaims herself the only sane one on the panel… okay punk sheepdog hair, keep telling yourself that. She tells Jason that he needs to work on his upper body because his chest isn’t open, and it’s killing his lines. She’s totally right, that’s a great note for him. Mia asks Kayla if she acts and sings, and Kayla replies that she does sometimes. Mia says she should, because it will be Tony after Tony after Tony because she’s the dictionary definition of girl and perfect and star. Sigh. I am so conflicted over Mia. I think she’s a brilliant choreographer, and she clearly can teach well, but she just seems to take herself SO seriously and can be so mean for no reason… I don’t know.
Ade’s solo is next. He does a popping sort of thing along with his backflips and turns and whatnot.
Does everyone on this show look like they are losing weight? I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t, dancing about a million hours a day, but wow, some of these folks look like they are going to blow away with the first gust of wind.
Janette and Evan are back with a rumba. I thought it was just okay. Nigel says he loved the choreography, but it’s a hard routine to get votes with, because it’s just smooth and sexy. He notes that he found it a little lacking, and then he complains about Evan's… eyelids? WTF is he supposed to do about that??? Ellen notes that she loves Evan’s face, because everyone in LA goes to the same doctor and their faces all look alike. True that! Mary and Mia say they liked it.
I get really distracted at this point, because my dog has a little bump that appears for a few hours, then disappears, then comes back, and when I Google “bumps on dogs that reappear and disappear” the results I get say “bumps that appear then disappear and come back are usually cancer”, and I freak out, so…apologies.
Melissa does ballet to some rock song. It’s fine. My dog takes this opportunity to sniff some flowers. He really loves smelling flowers; I think it’s one of his cuter habits. Don’t have cancer, puppy!
Lauriann Gibson, who has choreographed for Diddy, among many others, is “preparing the soldiers for victory”. There is a lot of yelling at Jeanine and Brandon in the boot camp style rehearsal. They perform, and personally, I think Brandon is just killing Jeanine in this. She’s fine, but he is SO good. Nigel said that’s what he’s asking from his top 8, and notes this is the flattest night he’s seen on SYTYCD, until now. Thank you! It has been a bit dull! He thought Jeanine was great. Huh. I didn’t so much. Ellen likes it. Mary puts them on the hot tamale train. Mia heaps praise Laurieann, and makes her cry. She thinks they were both incredible.
Evan does his typical style and I love it.
Jeanine’s solo is fantastic.
Tyce choreographed a dance about breast cancer for Melissa and Ade. Okay ya’ll, I BAWLED during this dance. But then again, I got sucked into watching Dr. Doolittle this weekend, and as God as my witness, I cried during that too. I don’t like things dying or hurting. The dance is beautiful, from what I can tell through my tear crusted contacts. Nigel is choked up…well, all of the judges are. They all love it. We get to Mia, and she has just broken down. She says she wishes she were strong like that for her Daddy when he had cancer and OH MY GOD I just want to hug her.
Brandon’s solo is amazing; Cat calls him a racehorse.
We end with Jason and Kayla, performing a Shane piece. He’s a zombie, and she’s a schoolgirl turned into a zombie. I’m usually eh about Shane Sparks, but I love this one. Nigel says he’s been disappointed with the hip hop on the show this year, but he loves this. The rest of the judges do too. But I wonder how the other hip hop choreographers feel after hearing that from Nigel!
I have no idea who is going home tonight. My guess is Evan and maybe Melissa? Or Kayla? I really don’t know! Thoughts?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Somehow, it's still the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...So You Think You Can Dance Episode #16
Nigel reveals his disquiet regarding the judges’ loss of voting rights, and admits to being a control freak. Mary elaborates how difficult it will be to change partners after so much time working together. Debbie is warmly welcomed back, and tells us her three favorite girls and three favorite guys are still in the competition. She also says that she’s been watching at home, and has thrown her cup of Haagen-Dazs at the screen on more than one occasion. Love it! Honestly, a dinner party with the SYTYCD judges would be the very best dinner party in the world.
Our first dance is the girl’s ensemble routine. They’re performing a Bollywood dance, and it’s wonderful. They look gorgeous!!! Nigel delivers the obligatory “Nakul is cool” comment, and puts all the ladies on his “hot bangers and mash” train. VERY interesting! If you had a “Hot whatever train”, what would your food item be? I’ll have to give this weighty decision some thought. Mary and Debbie both love. I plan to Google where I can get lessons as soon as this show is over. (P.S. For those in DC or NYC who are interested, voila. I so want to do this! )
Kayla and Evan are the first new couple to perform. We see a bit of Mia’s addiction piece again, and I swear, had Kupono been dressed up as a giant Snickers bar, that would have exactly been the story of my life. I am utterly incapable of resisting all things Snickers. Anyway, Kayla is the tallest girl in the competition, and Evan is the shortest guy, and shots of them rehearsing the waltz while she towers over him are a bit funny. Evan says he’ll dance like he’s nine feet tall, and Kayla says “I’ll plie…a lot.” Hee. Also, Evan has HUGE pitties. I know they’ve been dancing for about five hours and all, but for the love of God, if you’re on camera, wear a shirt that hides that nonsense! They perform, and the camera guy decided this routine would be best viewed from an aerial point of view, apparently, because all I can see are the tops of their heads. I suppose that’s one way of hiding the height difference? When they finally show them straight on, they just zoom in on Kayla’s bracelet, so…I don’t know, maybe the costume jewelry was an integral piece of the dance? Evan seems to be doing well with the lifts. Nigel notes that they look the same height, and it’s because…whoa, Evan is rocking some three inch nurse shoe heels, and Kayla is wearing flats. Nigel notes to the choreographer that he didn’t see much Viennese in the Viennese waltz. Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen him give critiques directly to the choreographers before! But he thought that Evan was strong and supportive, and that the lifts were great, when it could have been a nightmare. Mary thought Evan’s footwork needed work, and gives Kayla gets a “FABULOUS!” Debbie says “Darling, you HANDLED your big woman! I don’t care what kind of waltz it is honey, they were in three/four, and they were in time…” She gives more warm praise, and once again: love her.
Brandon performs his solo. It’s good; I think he was better in Vegas, but whatevs. When my husband and I spontaneously perform our own solos, which we are wont to do after a beer or two (or dead sober, or any time, really), they always include some kind of barrel leap, lots of meaningful reaching out, and a bit of rolling around on the floor. I also throw in the “wave hands around head and through hair” move required of the female dancers. Brandon’s solo includes all of these.
Our next couple is Jeanette and Ade—the tallest guy and the shortest girl. They both seemed really excited about the grouping. His pick is gold and sparkly this week! Oh dear. Is he starting his own line? NappyTabs has choreographed a dance whereby Ade infuses Jeanette with funk. Apparently art is a reflection of reality in this case, as Jeanette is many things, but funky she is not. In the dance, the pick acts almost like a wand which controls Jeanette’s movement, and once again I’m reminded that I’m missing Hp6—grr! The dance is performed well and is a lot of fun. Can Tabitha and Napoleon do no wrong? Nigel shoves two pencils in his head and says if that’s what you can do with a pick, then he’s wearing one next week. He tries to critique, still wearing the pencils, and Mary breaks down laughing. Cat notes that it’s hard to take him seriously while he has pens in his hair, and he says “I have to talk Mary out of her clothes later” while making hypnotic type gestures—seriously, I’ll post a screenshot of this for reference. You can just imagine the screams this elicits from Mary. Cat just says “That is a terrible visual”. Mary sobers up, tells Nigel to “just cut the crap”, then adorably yells “That was fuuunky!!!!” Debbie says “Whooo, honey, these children wore me out! I wanted to get up there and dance with you!
Randi’s solo. Wow, she’s really good! Not that I thought she wouldn’t be, but it’s fun to see solos from the contestants who have skirted the bottom three so far.
Kupono’s solo. He’s wearing the necklaces and torn clothes. It’s funky. He sings along to the music, though—huge pet peeve of mine.
Jeanine and Jason are our next pair. Jeanine deadpans that “Last week, I had the Russian Folk dance, which stole the night.” Travis Wall is back as a choreographer! Fun. I actually really love Jeanine after the highlight reel. Their dance is a story about two longtime friends dealing with their romantic feelings toward each other. Poor Travis just looks terrified. They perform, and wow, I LOVE this!!! They perform beautifully, and it’s so well choreographed, and it ends in quite a kiss. My goodness! They get a huge standing ovation from everyone, including the judges. Nigel says he’s so happy to see Travis grow from being a dancer on the program to a choreographer. Mary is silent initially, prompting Nigel to yell “Mary is lost for words! I want you to do the same routine every week!” Mary finally hollers that she’s just ready to pass out, she’s so happy, and she loves seeing Travis back, and she’s crying, and Travis is crying, and Jason looks like he’s going to cry, and oooh! And then Mary hears something! Hooray for the train! Debbie loved the piece, and the dancers. She notes that this show helps evangelize dance in a way that nothing has, and she’s so happy to be a witness to the growth. Me too! And PLEASE bring Travis back as regular choreographer! After this, I may just have to go out and buy his SYTYCD workout DVD. (Note to MSG—I will drink tons of Crystal Light to rehydrate after I work out. Yes I will!!)
Melissa’s solo, yay ballet! It’s very pretty.
Evan’s solo. Wow! He’s looking dapper in a tuxedo, and he dances a beautiful Gene Kelly type routine. I thought it was lovely. I wonder if Ryan choreographed it? As Cat said, let’s hear it for “It’s Evan!”
Kayla’s solo is lovely, and she’s all legs. It’s ridiculous.
Randi and Kupono are paired for a Paso Doble. It looks like a disaster in rehearsal. Choreographers Tony and Melanie say “they were in total panic mode today, and they should be! It was rough!!!” Oh dear. They perform, and it’s Kupono and... some random chick? Honestly, who is he dancing with? Did Randi get hurt? OH GOD no it’s Randi, wearing some crazy wig. They perform, and egh. It is a trainwreck. And I love me some Paso Doble! I always think that I would love to dance this on Dancing with the Stars, except I don’t actually want to be a star. Can they create Dancing with the unknown Virginians as a spin off? Anyway, Kupono drops her at the end…oh, this is terrible. Nigel thinks that Kupono wasn’t strong enough, and that he wasn’t sure about the wig with Randi. Not sure about it? He’s being kind. The wig and the tawdry barmaid costume were dreadful. He says it didn’t work as a couple or as dancers, and that it didn’t feel authentic in any way. Cat says that it’s hard to be a new couple, and Mary notes that it’s hard for everyone, and some people take the challenge and blossom, but Kupono and Randi did not rise above. She describes the passion with which the Paso Doble should be danced; mauling poor Debbie in the process. Finally Debbie has to defend herself with an “AlriGHT, Mary!!!” Debbie says it’s hard not to agree, and it didn’t seem like they didn’t trust each other. When momma Debbie can’t even find words of comfort or praise, you KNOW you sucked.
Ade is once again shirtless—shameless pandering to the female audience! -- And combines Alvin Ailey with Bring it on. Methinks Cat has a little crush on Ade!!!
Jeanine’s solo; she does a great contemporary piece. In general, the solos here seem much better than when they dance for their lives. Maybe lack of nerves?
Jason performs a really interesting piece to “Train Fare Home” from Muddy Waters. Way to take a risk! You know, I like Jason more tonight than ever.
Melissa and Brandon are our last couple to perform. They are doing a Tyce Broadway routine to Aquarius. I don’t know about this damn liberal hippy nonsense, but they dance the bejesus out of the routine. Well, the part of it I could see—the last part of the dance was completely obscured by smoke. Nigel loved it, and said it brought back great memories. I bet it did, Panama Red. Mary loved it, and beats Debbie up some more. What is that all about!?! Debbie, get yourself some Workman’s Comp!!
Jeannette’s solo is last of the night, and she is such a firecracker. Love her!
We wrap it up with the guys performing an African routine. This is new! Evan looks a little petrified. They all tell us how much trouble they had with it during rehearsal. They perform, and…God bless Evan. He keeps making these goofy faces during the performance, and I’m cracking up watching him. But on the whole, the piece has amazing energy, and it’s very complicated, and I love it. Jeffrey Page, the choreographer, seems so pleased. I hope we see more from him!! Nigel tells Evan he looked like a dancing milkshake. Mary loved it. Debbie loves that this is the origin of hip-hop and jazz, but this piece was so pure and authentic, and it was wonderful. Debbie was proud. We could end the show on this nice note, but Nigel throws in that it was MUCH better than last week’s Russian folk dance. Oh that’s great. Like our relations with that country aren’t strained enough. Let’s move on, and stop trying to provoke international incidents, shall we?
I’ll be sad to see any of these guys go home, but I think it will be Randi and Kupono who leave us tonight. Thoughts?
Friday, July 10, 2009
If I catch it coming back this way, I'm gonna serve it to you: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #15
Cat looks like she got the “premium bronze” spray at the Mystic Tan, and is wearing loads of blue eyeshadow, and still manages to look stunning. She informs us that it’s Nigel’s 60th birthday—Bonne Anniversaire, Nigel! He says he went to the shop to get a bit of a facelift, but Mary got there first and took all the Botox. Hee—I’m happy we’re all so open about it! I do wish she’d cut back on the habit though—she’s naturally pretty! Tyce FINALLY shows us a little bit of that Tasty Oreo attitude that we’ve come to love—he was TyceLite last night, and me no likey.
Our first two couples to learn their fate are Jason and Caitlyn, and Brandon and Jeannette. Brandon and Jeanette are safe. I know this isn’t a fashion show, but the costumes here…seriously, y’all. Caitlyn is wearing a bra and panty set that I almost purchased during the Victoria’s Secret semi-annual sale, and a see through petticoat. It’s a strange combination.
Next up are Philip and Jeanine, and Randi and Evan. Jeanine has this whole Princess Leia/ Foxy Cleopatra gold lame thing going on. With little ado, we learn that Philip and Jeanine are in the bottom three. While discussing how they choose who will go home, Nigel discloses way too much information, and pretty much takes all of the tension out of the show. Everyone wonders who will make the top ten, because they get to go on tour. Turns out, they bring the rest of the dancers along as swing dancers, which—while that makes sense, it totally takes the fun out of the whole “top ten” thing. He also tells us that the judges discover who the bottom three couples are the morning of the results show, and determine who will go home before the show starts. So why do we have to go through this “dance for your life” sham?!?
The last two couples are Karla and Kupono, and Melissa and Ade. Melissa and Ade are in the bottom three for the first time, and although she’s a little annoying, I’m excited to see Melissa’s solo. No chance she’s going home. Tyce says he wasn’t shocked, because Ade dropped the ball in terms of energy. Melissa’s costume reveals that she has crazy ripped abs.
While the dancers get ready, they show footage of the auditions for season 6. They focus on Teddy, whom Tyce hails as “fantastic, awesome, brilliant!!!” Teddy is wearing a bow tie and argyle pants and kind of waddles around the stage. Hubby wonders “is this a joke?” To wear argyle is to win my heart, though, so I love Teddy already. Additional footage shows some guy spinning on his head. I hope he makes it!!
Solo time! Caitlyn performs first, and busts out a cutesy routine. It’s fine. Jason sticks with the shirtless leaping about that the judges seem to love from the guys. Jeanine dances a contemporary piece and shows off her amazing technique. Philip does his popping thing. Melissa dances to some farting tuba song. Seriously, I thought my dog was tooting before I realized it was part of her music. She moves beautifully, but the fart noise is really distracting. Ade brings the house down with his routine; specifically with a back flip so high he almost gets caught in the rafters. Cat tells him he gave her the “Deeley chills”; every guy watching the show turns green with envy.
Cat introduces DJ David Guetta and Kelly Rowland, who will sing their new song. She’s singing live, which I appreciate.
Kick off time! Nigel tells us they have approached this from a “positive standpoint”, thinking only of the girls they want to continue on this show, and Caitlyn will be going home tonight. Um, that’s not really positive for Caitlyn, though, right? It’s not. She cries, and wow, she looks just like Leann Rimes!
Nigel tells the men that they are all brilliant dancers. He tells Philip that he’s been fantastic on the show, but they’ve been disappointed with his performance in genres with which he's unfamiliar. He’ll be going home tonight, but there’s a twist: Both Philip and Caitlyn will be on the tour! So this whole “top ten” thing is kind of irrelevant this season. Interesting. Takes a bit of the sting out of it, no? I love how the producers just kind of make up the rules as they go along. Philip is still crying, though, and he delivers a very classy and eloquent speech. He hopes he inspired people that don’t have money or access to a dance studio, but do have passion, to go for it. The judges give him a standing ovation. Awww. Now I’m all misty eyed!!! My hubby feels quite strongly that they are getting rid of Philip now, while they can, because they don’t trust America not to vote him through to win. However, with this new twist, they can still bring him on the tour. This point has merit.
I think the biggest shock of the night was not Philip’s exodus from the show, but the fact that DJ Guetta was a white guy. There are good, white DJ’s?! Who knew?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I want some stuff like that there: So You Think You Can Dance Episode #14
The last night before we have our final top ten! Cat, dolled up Old Hollywood style, tells us that we’ll see each couple dance twice tonight. Yay less filler! The women’s hair of truth this week tells us that Caitlyn will be doing some sort of ballroom; her hair is in a low chignon. Melissa is sporting the type of perm popular in 1987, so I’m thinking she has to have Mandy Moore choreography tonight. Kupono is wearing a ton of guyliner; that can’t bode well. Our guest judge is Tasty Oreo; I feel like we’ll get a very constructive critique or a lot of snark, so it’s a win-win.
Melissa and Ade have a Doriana Sanchez disco. Whee! They perform, and the dance has tons of energy. I have to say, Ade does a remarkable job tonight. Melissa is great as well; she always is, but Ade seems to be having a blast. They do this crazy upside down split thing that seems superhuman. Melissa falls at the end of the performance, but really, it doesn’t matter. Also, they do this super fast butt wiggle that I shall endeavor to learn. Nigel loves the energy and finds it tremendous. Mary said if they prayed to the disco gods, then she needs an amen. Tyce thought it was “friggin’ great”. Mary screams some more, just for hoots.
Kupono and Kayla will perform a Mia routine about addiction. Mia says that at some point, we all probably contend with wanting something that is bad for us. True that, Mia! Kupono talks about how he doesn’t want to portray an addiction, having had family and friends battle addition. He cries, and it’s a little heartbreaking. They dance, and my goodness—this is the reason why Mia is so famous. It is absolutely stunning, and Kayla and Kupono do an amazing job. Mia is crying afterward. I thought this was one of the most powerful dances I’ve ever seen on this show. Nigel thought it was brilliant. Mary applauds Kupono’s ability to stay in character no matter what. She says Kayla is flawless every week. Oh and Grandpa and Grandma are crying! !! Tyce notes that with Mia, you don’t feel like you watched a dance, you feel like you had an experience. Cat says she thinks it will be one to remember from this season. I agree!
Caitlyn and Jason are doing a foxtrot from Tony Meredith. Caitlyn basically says that she’s excited to do any dance that doesn’t suck and require her to wear the world’s worst costume. They perform, and it’s okay. I liked it, but it didn’t stand out for me. Jason looks quite debonair, though! Nigel likes it, and thought Caitlyn was smooth, cool and elegant. Mary thought it was tremendous and that it suited them. Tyce thought they both looked like stars, and that they “captured the essence”.
Jeanine and Philip are doing a Russian folk dance. Speaking of Russians, it’s actually a goal of mine to befriend more people from that part of the world. At a party last year, I heard a Russian tell her three-year-old daughter “Oh, that bunny is your friend? Your friend has turned his back on you! Because you were too loud!” in much the same manner that I’d imagine KGB agents of old would speak. It was fabulous. Anyway, Philip and Jeanine perform a Kalinka. It’s pretty basic, but has a few fun elements. The judges critique, and Nigel says it reminded him little kids dancing. He thought it wasn’t about the dancing, it was about the folk style they were asked to do. Well, that’s your fault, producer! You invited these choreographers on your show; you had to know the style of dance they would create. The complaint that it was too simple is a little insulting—what, are they supposed to change the nature of the traditional dance of their country just to suit you? Not very gracious, Nigel! Mary basically agrees with Nigel. Tyce says he disagrees, he thinks they executed the dance very well, and that it was entertaining. Thank goodness someone was classy about it!
Randi and Evan have drawn a NappyTabs dance. They portray a young couple who find out they are about to have a baby. Rehearsal looks good. I really like the dance, but I don’t get the pregnancy plot line AT ALL .Not even a little bit. It looked more like an engagement story? I don’t get that they are nervous; they just look happy. Nigel likes that they weren’t asked to be urban, and could just be themselves. Mary said she was expecting a train wreck, because she didn’t think they had it in the to perform hip-hop. Tyce commends the story telling. He thinks Evan needs to find “more”, but he loves Randi. Every week, we hear that the judges are expecting something more from Evan, but they love him. Why does he keep getting a free pass? I think he’s lucky they’ve avoided the bottom three!
Brandon and Jeanette have an authentic tango by the couple that performed earlier in the year, Miriam Larici, and Leonardo something. They perform, and it’s absolutely wonderful. I can’t believe this is the same couple that did the rocker vs. hip-hop routine; it’s like they’ve transformed. I love Brandon and Jeanette as a couple—they are so versatile. Nigel actually gives them a standing ovation, and then all of the judges join him. Nigel says it was a close to perfection as he’s ever seen on this stage for ballroom. Mary says Brandon was right there in the moment every step of the way, and that Jeanette was flawless. Tyce loves the specifics and the attention to detail, and calls them a power couple. He compares their dance to making freshly squeeze orange juice, and goes on and on about how you make it. I don’t know that I get how that relates to dance, but I would give my eyeteeth right now for some orange juice. Mary screams some more and starts making choo choo noises; I take it they are on the hot tamale train? . Even Nigel is screaming. My dog has no tolerance for this hooting and hollering, and makes a run for it.
Oooh we learn that next week, the couples will switch partners. It happens, but it’s sad!
Melissa and Ade are back for their second dance, a Ron Mondez waltz. Ron seems very happy with the dancers. They dance to Mary J Blige “Natural Woman”, and it’s lovely. That’s always what I think when they dance. Nigel says her classical training gave her beautiful lines, and Ade’s strength made for some beautiful lifts. Mary wanted to see more strength and ease from Ade while he was dancing. She calls Melissa mesmerizing. Cat calls Tyce a “Brooklyn Brownie”, and I think my hubby is jealous. My “Virginia Vegetable” doesn’t have the same ring, though.
Kayla and Kupono have a Joey Dowling Broadway piece about love at first sight. Kupono says that he will miss Kayla’s clammy, sweaty hands and feet; Kayla deadpans “that’s what he will miss me? Wow that is awesome. “. Hee. They dance to “Dance at the gym” from west side story. I don’t know that I got the whole crazy in love thing, but I thought it was great. Nigel felt like they were missing the true emotion of the dance. Mary says she can see where Nigel is coming from; that they didn’t latch onto the style, but it was danced well. Tyce, also a Broadway choreographer, says that they didn’t get down to the truth of West Side Story. I don’t remember Joey saying they were specifically portraying Tony and Maria, but whatever.
Caitlyn and Jason have Mandy Moore routine, and they are all happy to be back in their comfort zones. I think they perform well, but I don’t think anyone is arguing that they are good dancers. But it was kind of eh for me. What is not eh are Caitlyn’s bangs; what the hell is going on with them? It looks like a crazy wig. She also looks like she’s taken up a hard smoking habit; her eyes are all tired and small. Nigel said it was good, Mary said it was really good, but it lacked magic for her. Ooooh, Jason doesn’t have a shirt on, and he totally has hickey!!!! I miss what Tyce says because I’m too busy trying to determine if that’s a hickey or a scar.
Jeanine and Philip are doing a Tony Meredith jive as their last piece. This jive actually is really, really fun. Philip is a sailor on furlough and Jeanine is…a prostitute? I don’t know, but I like it! Nigel loves the choreography, and also thought Philip was the best he’s been outside of his style. He tells Jeanine if she’s not in the top 10 he’ll be surprised. Mary says she can guarantee she’ll be there next week. So…pressure’s off Jeanine? Mary said she thought this was going to be a huge disaster for Philip and that he was going to be off the show. She tells Jeanine she was on fire. She’s on the hot tamale train! Tyce says what Philip lacks in technique he makes up for in performance, and that Jeanine is a star. They are doing an awful lot of “you’re totally in the top ten” to the contestants tonight. Hope they are sincere!
Randi and Evan. have a sexy samba from Pasha and Anya. Randi and Evan are cute, for sure, but sexy? I don’t know so much. They perform, and I def. don’t get sexy, but I think they dance well. Mary thought it wasn’t dynamic, and they didn’t really commit themselves. Tyce tries to make sexy faces, but he sounds like my cat—in-law when he’s furious with me for existing. Oh but Tyce interrupted Mary, who was about to put Randi on the Hot tamale train. Big mistake, Tyce! The longer she waits, the more she’ll scream!
Our last dance of the night is a Wade Robson piece with Brandon and Jeanette. Brandon seems thrilled to be working with Wade. Who wouldn’t? He was Britney’s choreographer! The premise of the dance is that they are two thieves, one crazy, and one more cautious. It’s very fun and they dance perfectly. Oh, I will miss them as a couple!! Nigel says that he’s so impressed that Jeanette the salsa dancer has picked up every style so well. Mary hollers that they saved the best for last. Tyce tells them that they have that “thing”. Can I get an Amen!
My prediction? Tough call, but I think it’s Caitlyn and Jason’s last night on the show. Thoughts?